«Жиырма мыңжылдықтың құпиясы: ізденістер мен ашылымдар» атты кітабының авторы Алшанов Рахман Алшанұлы


On February 10, 2022, a meeting was held with students of the Auezov university and pupils of different schools in Shymkent with the R. Alshanov, author of the book "The Secret of Twenty Millennia: Searches and Discoveries". This event was held by D.P. Kozhamzharova, academician of the NAS RK, doctor of history, rector of the Auezov university. The rector recommended to read the writings of R. Alshanov to increase the motivation of youth for science.  

The book exhibition on the theme “Gumyryn gylymga arnagan galym” was organized by Educational-information center and the author gifted a few copies of the own books to the university library.

The winners of the essay compitation on the book "The Secret of Twenty Millennia: Searches and Discoveries" were awarded certificates and cash prizes. All other schoolchildren and students were presented with letters of appreciation.