«Салауатты ұрпақ – ұлт байлығы» атты дөңгелек үстелі


      On the 3rd of April a round table was held in the reading room № 9 on the theme «Экология.Адам.Қоғам», dedicated to protecting the environment. It was attended by the vice of dean of the Agriculture-Industrial Faculty I. Tutkyshbay, teacher of chair of the "Agrotechnology" A.Kashkarov, teacher of chair of the"Water resources and water" N.Ermahan, head of sector of the EIC H.Shambulova, librarian S.Bimenova and students of the Faculty. Students Kyrbasova Sholpan, Abenova Aygerim, Kenjebayeva Aziza and Anarmetova Iroda (AP-12-4K1) made ​​a presentation on the environment. After the presentations the students were asked by series of questions. The participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the round table.