«Оңтүстіктің мәдени мұралары»


      On 17th of April in the reading room №5 was held a round table on the topic: "Бабалар мұрасы – болашақтың баға жетпес рухани байлығы " dedicated to the International Day for Monuments and Sites. The roundtable was organized by the EIC in conjunction with the Chair of "History of Kazakhstan". It was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of PaC. Participants reviewed a number of topics relating to the protection of historical and cultural monuments and museums. Made a presentation teacher of the Chair of "History of Kazakhstan" A.Kabyl, undergraduate B.Rustemov. Lecturer in "Political Science and International Relations" E.Shabanov expressed gratitude to the organizers of the round table. The event prepared a book exhibition " Мәдени мұра – елге мирас ".

Mukhtar Auezov

