For aspirant. For applicant


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Mukasheva A.O. In help to young scientists.

The main objective in compiling the methodical collection "To help young scientists", issued by the young scientists SKO commissioned by the Department of internal policy SKO is to provide young scientists informational and methodological assistance, providing information about the system and the peculiarities of teaching in graduate and master's degree. In this collection - guidelines on writing a scientific work and dissertation, official documents relating to procedures for the protection of Master's and Ph.D. theses, a list of publications to publish the results of basic scientific theses, leading organizations, explaining the new system, PhD, the draft Regulations on the doctorate, the Model Rules admission to doctoral studies.

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Instructions for registration and abstract of thesis

This instruction establishes general requirements for the structure, the general design rules dissertations (hereinafter-theses) and author abstracts (hereinafter - abstracts) in all areas of science n engineering.
Instruction is based on the interstate standard "GOST 7.32-2001. Report on research work. The structure and rules of registration and GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of preparation. Approved by Order of the President of the VAK RK Ministry of 28 September 2004 .

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Kuzin F.A. - PhD thesis. The method of writing, the rules of registration and protection orders.

For novice researchers is very important not only familiar with the basic provisions that characterize the degree as a qualification scientific work, but have at least a general presentation of the methodology of scientific work, because, as the current practice of higher educational establishments of such researchers in the first steps toward skills for scientific work best question is methodological. They primarily lacked experience in organizing their work, using methods of scientific cognition and application of logical laws and regulations. This book will help young scientist to resolve issues related to writing and presentation of thesis and its subsequent protection.

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Raisenberg B.A. -  Dissertation and science degree.Handbook for applicants.

The book presents the most comprehensive and multifaceted of all published materials for candidates for a degree candidate and doctoral degrees. The manual is different in that it contained not only the formal procedure for preparing a thesis and its defense, but the detail content of learning processes in post-graduate candidate examinations, the choice of dissertation topics, her writing, presentation of the defense, defense.

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Competition of scientific articles published in journals HAC

From 25.11.2008 to 30.12.2009, the open reception of articles published in scientific journals (on a competitive basis). As a result of summing up the contest are selected works that are the basis for articles in leading scientific journals, including graduation, Reviewed HAC.
Accepted article the following topics:
- Aviation, rocket and space technology;
- Agriculture and forestry;
- Biological Sciences;
- Zootechnical and veterinary profession;
- Engineering and agro-industrial specialization;
- Art;
- History;
- Cultural studies;
- Mathematics and Mechanics;
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Medical;
- Earth sciences;
- Pedagogy and Psychology;
- Political Science;
- Right;
- Problems of oil and gas;
- Development of mineral deposits
- Sociology;
- Construction and Architecture;
- Transport;
- Management, Computer Science and Informatics
- Physics;
- Literature and art history;
- Chemistry;
- Economics;
- Electronics, measuring equipment, radio engineering and communications;
- Energy.

Requirements for articles:
- The paper should not exceed 6000 words.
- The work should include practical (empirical) material
- We must always contain links to sources

We recommend you check the article by service, with the aim of maximizing the originality of work.
Contest nominees will be given an opportunity to place this or other articles in magazines. ASPIRANS.COM assume the costs of publishing articles in journals (list HAC).

To participate in the contest must register on the site

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Mukhtar Auezov

