Ruhani Zhangyru


September 24, 2019 round table in three languages was held on the program «Ruhani Zhangyru» on the theme «New Kazakhstan in a New World» and presentation of 49 books published in the framework of the project «New Humanities Education, 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh Language» in the reading hall of «World Languages». The event was organized by M.K. Imankulova librarian of Educational Information Center jointly with the teachers of the department «Foreign language for humanity specialties». Heads of the departments of Educational Information Center, A.A. Nurumbetova teacher of the department «Foreign language for humanity specialties» and students of the Faculty of «Law and International Relations» took part in it.

The main purpose of the event - to introduce young people the most famous books in the world, translated from the golden fund of the world of ideas in philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and other subjects within the program «Ruhani Zhangyru» and upbringing educated generation in the process of joining the global information space.

During the discussion, the students read the reports with presentations in three languages. As well as paying attention to the project «100 new books», questions were raised about the program Elbasy «Ruhani Zhangyru», which will deepen the understanding of the whole society and strengthen the spiritual independence of the country.

Students expressed their opinions about Elbasy program and also translated textbooks.





Mukhtar Auezov

