Мероприятия библиотеки

Семь граней Великой степи


22-23 ноября 2018 г. в научно-методическом центре "Елбасытану" прошло обсуждение статьи Президента РК Н.А.Назарбаева "Семь граней Великой степи". В обсуждении приняли участие директор ОИЦ Н.В. Рыбалкина, заведующие отдела ОИЦ Х.К.Шамбулова, А.С.Куралбаева, заведующие сектора ОИЦ Б.А.Жұмабаева, С.К. Балтабекова, декан высшей школы "Управление и бизнес" М.К.Сейдахметов, заведующий кафедры "Международный туризм и сервис" А.Е. Есенова,преподаватели кафедры Ж.А.Тилеукеев, М.Арапова и студенты факультета. Участники высказали свои мнения, отметив, что эта статья Главы государства направлена на возрождение исторического сознания и важна для каждого казахстанца.


New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language


October 16, 2018, a meeting was held with students of the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences for discuss the first 18 books published in the framework of the project “New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language.The main purpose of the event is to acquaint students with the 100 most famous books in the world, upbringing of the educated generation in the process of joining the world information space. G.A. Zhansbekova director of the office of “Рухани жаңғыру”, A.Z. Zhylkybaev, dean of the higher school of agricultural sciences, T.Kansitov, teacher of the department of technology of animal products, N.R.Seydirov senior curator, A.N.Kuldanbaeva, head of department, H. Shambulova, head of sector, S.Bimenova, the librarian of the EIC, students and teachers of the Agricultural Sciences participated in the discussion. Students studied the contents of translated textbooks and expressed their opinions.




“One country - one book”


Discussion on the works of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, on the novel “Үміт үзгім келмейді” by Nemat Kelimbetov and on the novel “Ұшқан ұя” by Bauyrzhan Momyshuly held as part of the annual action “One country - one book” in the reading room No. 5 (8th building). Zh. Erezhepova and G. Mynbayeva department heads at the EIC, H.Shambulova head of the sector, N.Sauleshova librarian EIC, N.Omarov head of chair "Kazakh language and literature" , M.Mukhamedin and B.Nursultanov teachers of chair "Theatrical and variety art", students and teachers of Filological and Pedagogical faculty of the university took part in it. A presentation (slide) was shown on the biography and works of Shakarim Kudaiberdieva, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly and Nemat Kelimbetov. Participants discussed the content of the work and shared their opinions. Students from the department "Theater and variety art" played the role of characters in the novel by Nemat Kelimbetov, "Үміт үзгім келмейді" A book exhibition was organized. At the end of the action, the most active students were awarded diplomas.


"New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language"


September 27, 2018 round table was held for students of the Higher School of Textile and Food Engineering, the Higher School of Management and Business and the Faculty of Law and International Relations on the presentation of the first 17 books published in the framework of the project "New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language" in the scientific and methodological center "Elbasytanu". The main purpose of the event - to acquaint young people with the 100 most famous books in the world, educated generation education in the process of joining the global information space. Teachers and students expressed their opinion about the translated textbooks.  During the discussion, drawing attention of the youth to the project "100 new textbooks", questions were raised about the promotion of textbooks and teaching aids translated into the state language among the population. Nowadays, the essence of the president's program "Rukhani zhangyru" is a strategic document that will deepen the understanding of the whole society and strengthen the spiritual independence of the country.


"New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language"


            September 19, 2018 a reading conference for students of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture on the presentation of the first 17 books published in the framework of the project "New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language" was held in the reading room of the Educational and Information Center. The main goal of the event is to help students understand the complex phenomena and processes of modern social life, their essence, content and dynamics of development in order to consciously orient themselves in them, using the literature presented for this in their educational and scientific activities. Also, the discussion of the contents of these books was held by university scientists and students. Head of the chair "History of Kazakhstan", teachers and students expressed their opinion about the translated textbooks.During the discussion, drawing attention of the youth to the project "100 new textbooks", questions were raised about the promotion of textbooks and teaching aids translated into the state language among the population.For the first time, the world's intellectual baggage becomes available to our citizens in the Kazakh language. As Nursultan Nazarbayev noted: "The project" 100 new textbooks" is aimed at solving an important task - the modernization of humanities knowledge".

Mukhtar Auezov

