Мероприятия библиотеки

«Елдік пен еркіндіктің жаршысы»


Round table on the theme:  «Елдік пен еркіндіктің жаршысы» was held within the action "One Country - One Book" in the reading room of  EIC, dedicated to the poet-thinker Dulat Babatayuly with students and teachers of the University. Dulat Babatayuly - one of the few great poets which lived and created at the beginning of the XIX century. The aim of the event: to introduce the creative heritage Dulat Babatayuly, glorifying the freedom of the people by studying the poets’ creation to educate sense of morality, love for the people at students. Students read the excerpts from the works Dulat Babatayuly. The participants have shared their impressions about creativity of Dulat Babatayuly. The book exhibition on the theme of: «Азаттық жырының ақтангері» was organized. The most active students were awarded diplomas and prizes.

“Бақытың да, байлығың да – Денсаулық”


29 марта 2016 года в читальном зале №4 состоялся диспут на тему Бақытың да, байлығың да“ Денсаулық, посвяшенный ко Всемирному дню здоровья. В нем приняли участие сотрудник департамента воспитательной работы молодежной политики Г.Орынбекова, старший куратор ЮКГУ С.Бейсенбаев, старший куратор €œФизическая культура и спорт€ Г.Малгайдарова,заведующий секторам ОИЦ Х.Шамбулова библиотекари К.Бөлет и Ә. Қауынбаева, врач городской противотуберкулезный динпансера Ш. Каттабеккызы, врачи городской центральный поликлиники: дерматолог Л.Узбекова, терапевт Н.Алимбетова, гинеколог З. Ескараева, преподаватели и студенты университета. Участники дали информацию по профилактике туберкулеза, особенностях проявления болезни, о путях передачи и мерах борьбы с этой инфекцией. Цель мероприятий способствовать формированию у студентов навыков ведения здорового образа жизни. К мероприятию подготовлена книжная выставка "Денсаулық - зор байлық".


“Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”


A literary evening was held on March 29, 2016 in the reading room №1   («А» building) on the theme: “Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”, dedicated to the Nauryz holiday. It was attended A. Bolysbek a dean of the high school “CEaBT”, O. Bayysbay a deputy of dean of the high school “CEaBT”, E. Baygonusov a director of the department of educational work of youth policy, S.Beysenbaev a senior curator of  SKSU, K. Isabayev a senior curator, T. Eszhan a student’s rector, H. Shambulova, B. Zhumabayeva heads of sectors of EIC, K. Moldaseitova,
S. Satkynbekova, S. Esdauletova librarians of EIC, teachers and students of the university.  Participants in the evening congratulated those present on the holiday of spring and renewal, stressed the importance of the existence of Nauryz holiday.
This evening sounded Kazakh songs and kui, the Kazakh folk dances. Book exhibition was organized on the theme: “Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”. The most active students were awarded diplomas. The most active students were awarded with certificates.

«Қайталанбас дара тұлға - Мұқағали»


A literary competition of readers «Қайталанбас дара тұлға - Мұқағали» was held on February 25th, 2016 in the main reading room of the Educational Information Center dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth the great Kazakh poet Makagali Makatayev.The poet's name is widely known to connoisseurs of Kazakh poetry. The purpose of the contest - the promotion of the poet, whose works have entered the golden fund of Kazakh literature. The jury consisted of: KOrazbaev teacher of "Kazakh language and literature, G.Mynbaeva, Zh.Erezhepova heads of departments of the JRC, H.Shambulova, B.Zhumabaeva head of a sector EIC, K.Isabaev senior curator of the higher school TaFE.

Students from all over of the university took part in the contest. The contest consisted of three stages. In the first stage of the participants made a poetic work Mukagali Makatayev. In the second stage of the contest poems were dedicated to the poet. In the third phase, participants performed songs based on poems M. Makatayev with musical accompaniment. At the end of the contest the main prize received Nurgazy Nurlan (FI), the first place - Balabekov Tolganai (PIC), Bayseyt Sherkhan (SM), the second place - Bazarbaeva Aktolkyn (ESP), Әbdimanap Kazybek (FI), Askarova Karlygash (SP), the third place - Sozakbay Aibek, Tursynalieva Kimat (VT), Orynbasar Zhasulan (ESP). All other contest participants have been awarded incentive prizes.


«Ермек Серкебаев - опера өнерінің дүлдүлі»


A literary - musical evening "Ермек Серкебаев - опера өнерінің дүлдүлі" for the 90th anniversary of the birth the Kazakh opera singer Ermek Serkebayev was held on February 23rd, 2016 in the reading hall №5 (8 building). Musical evening organized together with F.Tankesheva a teacher of "General pedagogy and musical education". Students are familiarized with the life and work of E.Serkebaeva and listened in his performance the songs "My Alma-Ata," "Above me the sky is blue," "Listen."

E. Esirkepov a student of 3rd course performed the romances by J. Rossini “The Barber of Seville” and by E.Bursilovsky “Er Targyn”, S. Elgonova a teacher of "General pedagogy and musical education" performed the romance by A. Dargomyzhsky "The young man and the maiden" and the folk song "Iligai", A. Smail a student of 4th course performed the folk song “Қуаныш вальсі” in accompanied on piano by the concertmaster Z. Nadirova. Student Choir performed songs by A.Zatsepin "Listen" and the folk song "Кестелі орамал" under the direction of F.Tankeshova.

The participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the evening. The most active students were awarded diplomas. The event prepared a book exhibition "Ермек Серкебаев - опера өнерінің серкесі ". 



Mukhtar Auezov

