БД – «Электронный архив» - полнотекстовая база данных учебной литературы на казахском, русском, английском языках    Комиссия по правам человека при президенте РК ELIBRARY.RU - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА База данных arXiv.org — крупнейший бесплатный архив электронных публикаций научных статей и их препринтов по физике, математике, астрономии, информатике и биологии Электронная библиотека статей 300 популярных журналов и газет на английском языке (1998-2003 гг.)  Казахстанская открытая библиотека Казахстанская Национальная электронная библиотека       

On December 14,  the EIC and the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport, organized a literary and musical evening dedicated to Independence Day. It was held under the theme  "Independence is eternal."

The evening was opened with a congratulatory speech by the dean of the faculty, associate professor K.E.Imanaliev. He talked about the events of the 1986 uprising and said that the goals set today should be: education, science, respect and love for the country.

A report on the independence of Kazakhstan was made by an employee of the EIC A.D.Arystanov, and during the evening the activists staged a scene related to the December events, read poetry and sang songs. Director of the EIC I.K.Sauyrbayeva warmly greeted the guests of the evening and awarded students with certificates.




Mukhtar Auezov

