By order of the pro-rector Baibolov K.S. on providing the educational and scientific processes with literature, on the formation and preservation of the EIC library fund, students who did not receive a certificate on the repayment of debt, bypass sheets in the deanery to hands will not be issued.
Bypass sheets are subscribed to subscriptions:
- students EF, LIR, ChT, CM, LI, IT, MOG on the subscription Educational literature (Main building, 1st floor, Tauke-khan 5)
- students of AI on the subscription of educational literature (9 building,Dulati H. w \ n, 1 floor), as well as in the Main Building, 1st floor, Tauke-khan 5
- students of FC, EP, on the subscription of educational literature (7 Building, Baytursynov b \ n), as well as 8 building, Vatutin 2, 114 cab.
- students PAC, PhF on the subscription of educational literature (8 building, Vatutin 2, 114 cab)
Administration of EIC
We are pleased to inform you that the library of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov received in gift of 1504 copies of the first 17 books on the project "New Humanistic Knowledge: 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh Language" on directionssuch as: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship, Religious Studies, Linguistics, Anthropology, Innovation, mass media. Textbooks translated into the Kazakh language on the humanities are included in the educational programs of the world's top universities and will be made available to every citizen of Kazakhstan.
Books are available in all reading rooms, subscriptions, on the sites and the Educational -Information Center
ЭБС "Лань" -это:
- актуальные учебники и учебные пособия-около 70 000 наименований, в том числе на английском языке
- более 900 научных журналов, с общим количеством статей более 400 000. Среди них более 40 на казахском и английском языке
- классическая литература общим количеством 35 000 книг, значительная часть которой научная литература по философии, истории, социологии, психологии, педагогике и др.
- тысячи книг, доступных для воспроизведения специальным сервисом невизуального чтения.
- широкий спектр возможностей личного кабинета (удаленный доступ, вход через соц сети, составление конспектов, закладки, заметки, заливка текста)
- мобильное приложение "ЭБС Лань", которое позволяет работать с документами в режиме оффлайн на весь срок подписки организации.