On 3rd of November at 15.00 a presentation of the book "Әдебиеттану ғылымына кіріспе" by Akzhol Kalshabek will be held in the conference hall of the main building aud. 254. Invite you to take part.
On 15th of October at 11.00 in the reading room №5 (8 building) will be held readers conference in the framework of action "One Country - One Book": "Қазақ тарихын зерделеген ұлы жазушы" by the book of I. Esenberlin "Nomads", please take an active part.
Taylor & Francis Journal Platform http://www.tandfebooks.com/ opens testing access in the period from 07 October to 31 December 2015 for all scientific-research and educational organizations of Kazakhstan.
Use the opportunity to download a valuable book in English! Sincerely, Administration of the EIC