Мероприятия библиотеки



Within the framework of the Republican action "One country - one book", a literary and musical evening was organized with the philological faculty students dedicated to the reading of poems collection  by the poet M. Makatayev "Umirdastan" in the reading room № 5 of the Educational Information center.


Elimizdin erkindigi-Tauelsizdik



A virtual book exhibition "Elimizdin erkindigi-Tauelsizdik" for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was organized by B. Zhumabayeva and A. Iklasova employees of the main reading room   with the participation of students of the philological faculty Erkinbek A., Zhoraeva A., Lespaeva A., Kenzhaev B., Hudaibergen U., Ergenbay T.



One Country - One Book


November 6, 2020 a round table was organized within the framework of Republican Action "One Country - One Book" based on the epic novel Auezov "The way of Abai" and based on the novel A.Alimzhanova "The Return of the teacher" in the Educational Information Center. A. Ybyrayym Dean of the Faculty of Philology, T. Kaldybaev, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, M. Alipkhan, Candidate of Philology, A. Isabek, specialist of the Scientistic Research Center "Mukhtartanu" and students of the Faculty of Philology and the "Akikat" Youth Center took part in the event.


Dey assistant


October 21, library staff meeting with referents of departments dedicated to the formation of information-education university environment was held in the Educational Information Center SKU.

N.V. Rybalkina, the director of the JEC, introduced the requirements for the educational resources of the university and their verification by experts during the accreditation process. She paid special attention to the joint efforts of the library and chairs to formation of information and educational environment and the need to more actively using the resources of the SKU electronic library.

L. Zh. Utegulova and Zh.T. Tleubaeva, the heads of the sectors informed the referents about the results of updating the information and educational environment of the library over the past 5 years, which was carried out with their active assistance.

A.S. Kuralbaeva, the head of the scientific and bibliographic department, spoke about the variety of publications of scientific and pedagogical workers of YUKU in peer-reviewed periodicals urged all teachers to closely monitor their publications and submit an electronic version of scientific articles published in collections of universities to the electronic library of SKU.

Spataev I.S. an employee of the department of new technologies and electronic resources acquainted the referents with the capabilities of the Interuniversity electronic library and demonstrated educational content of databases of its own generation and acquired.

The theme of the event caused a lively response among the participants, the issues raised were actively discussed, and many questions were asked. The referents received lists of received literature and other information materials and decided to create a chat with referents of chairs for improves the quality of collaboration. 


The Way of Abai


A reader's conference dedicated to the 175th birthday of the great Abay Kunanbaev was held in the reading room of building  №8 with the participation of teachers of the "Abaytanu" Scientific Center, the chairs of "Kazakh Language and Literature", "Theatrical and pop art", as well as students of the "Culture and sport". Employees of the reading room organized a book exhibition, where Professor T. Kaldybaev presented information about the novel “The Way of Abai”.


Mukhtar Auezov

