Мероприятия библиотеки

How to publish a magazine?


On January 30, 2020, a practical seminar on the theme “How to publish a magazine?” was held in the reading room of world languages of the EIC with the participation of A. Khalyukov, general director  of the Grebennikov publishing house, in order to familiarize himself with the products of the Grebennikov publishing house in Moscow. The seminar was attended by teachers of the Higher School of Management and Business, the Faculty of Jurisprudence and International Relations, employees of the research department and librarians of the EIC. Teachers can publish an article in a magazine for free.


auelsizdіk belesі - Uly arman kemesі


On December 9-10, 2019, in dormitories № 2 and № 3 (reading halls № 11,14)  literary and musical evenings "Tauelsizdіk belesі - Uly arman kemesі" and "Zheltoksan - Tauelsizdіktіn Uly rukhy" was held with the participation of students and teachers of higher schools "Agricultural Sciences" and "Textile and Food Engineering", in order to promote youth patriotism, the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Tauelsizdіk belesі - Uly arman kemesі


On December 9-10, 2019, in dormitories № 2 and № 3 (reading halls № 11,14)  literary and musical evenings "Tauelsizdіk belesі - Uly arman kemesі" and "Zheltoksan - Tauelsizdіktіn Uly rukhy" was held with the participation of students and teachers of higher schools "Agricultural Sciences" and "Textile and Food Engineering", in order to promote youth patriotism, the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


День референта


7 ноября 2019 г. прошла очередная встреча сотрудников Образовательно - информационного центра с референтами кафедр университета. Открыл семинар проректор по учебной и учебно-методической работе Байболов К.С., который акцентировал внимание на важной роли референта кафедры в качестве учебного и научного процессов. В ходе семинара были подняты вопросы об электронной связи кафедр и библиотеки для оперативного доступа к информационным ресурсам, оформлению заявок на новую литературу, о показателях книгообеспеченности дисциплин, анализе задолжников по кафедрам и др. Директор ОИЦ Рыбалкина Н.В. рассказала о новых сервисах в деятельности библиотеки и помощи для преподавателей в написании статей в журналах с импакт - фактором.   Директор центра методического обеспечения образовательных программ Тасыбаева Ш.Б. ознакомила референтов с внедрением в образовательные программы учебников, полученных в рамках проекта «100 новых книг».


BookDating 2019


       For the first time in our city, within the walls of SKSU Book Dating (take your favorite book with you) - an effective, modern and intelligent platform for discussing books of various subjects and orientations was held in the «Mukhtartanu» Research Center. Students of different faculties, teachers and EIC staff gathered in it. The event was divided into two parts by the format of bookding. In the first part,  the speaker was Kaldybaev T.K. a professor, Ph.D. , who presented 3 books that influenced his life and becoming a scientist: M. Abdikamiluly “Akpan Batyr”, M. Auezov “Abay Zholy” and G. Mustafin "Karagandy". Baltabekova S., head of sector of EIC introduced about the life and work of Kaldybaev T.K.

        Beketov B.M. Associate Professor, Ph.D., Kalshabekov A. B. Associate Professor, Ph.D., Mazhinbekov S.A. director of the department of educational work and youth policy, Rybalkina N.V. director of the EIC were expressed their opinion about the benefits of reading and the importance of such events for our students.

        Book reviews were accompanied by book trailers and slides. In the second part, students talked about their favorite books, which left a positive mark in their lives and exchanged between them. Does today's youth read? Yes, of course, and we are convinced of this!



Mukhtar Auezov

