Мероприятия библиотеки

My Kazakhstan


Within the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru”, a musical and literary evening “My Kazakhstan” was held in the reading room of building №8, where students of the Faculty of Culture and Sports, teachers of the department “Pedagogy and Music Education” Tankeshova F.S., Fattakhova N. and others. The book exhibition  “Mening Kazakhstanym” was organized and students performed patriotic songs.


1150 th anniversary of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi


On February 20, 2020 a round table was held dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi with students of the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences in the reading room № 9 of the Information and Education Center. Kambarov A, a senior lecturer of the Department of “Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics”, Bimenova S. and students of the faculty took part in the event.


Al-Farabi alemi


On 17 February 2020 in the reading room № 5 a round table "Al-Farabi alemi" dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir al-Farabi was organized Erezhepova ZH.ZH, head of the department of Information-Education Center. Beisenbaev S.K., Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Culture, K. Orazbaev, Dean of the Faculty of History and Education, Ermekbaev M., Head of the Theory and Methods Department of Preschool and Primary Education and students of the Department of History and Education took part in the event.

Asyl sozdі izdeseng, Abaydy oky erynbe


On February 10, 2020, the literary evening dedicated to the 175th birthday of Abay Kunanbaev “Asyl sozdі izdeseng, Abaydy oky erynbe” was held in the reading room №13 of the Information and Education Center with students from different faculties. The literary evening was organized by A. Musaeva, the librarian of the EIC and M. Musantayeva, the teacher of the department.


175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev


On February 4, 2020, a literary evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev was held in reading room №9 of the Educational Information Center with students from the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences.

S. Nuraliev, A. Kambarov, teachers of the department “Veterinary Clinical Diagnostics” reported that the heritage of Abay reinforces the sense of patriotism of youth. And also offered to students read poems and words of edification of the great Abai.

Mukhtar Auezov

