Мероприятия библиотеки

"Эра Независимости"


В научно-методическом центре "Елбасытану" состоялся круглый стол на тему "Новое качество человеческого капитала" в целях пропаганды книги Президента РК Н.А. Назарбаева "Эра Независимости". В нем приняли участие заместитель директора ОИЦ Н.В. Рыбалкина, заведующий сектором ОИЦ Х.К. Шамбулова, библиотекари ОИЦ А.И.Икласова и А.А.Жамантаева, заведующий кафедры "Ассамблея народов Казахстана" А.Е.Есеналиев и сотрудники кафедры: С.Б.Аблаев, Т.Л.Курманбаева, Э.М.Турегелдиева, Н.Б.Баймаханов, Е.Ә.Әмірхан, преподаватель кафедры "Международные отношения и таможенное дело" Г. Батырбекова, преподаватель кафедры "Философии и культурологии" Т. А. Сулейменов, директор департамета по воспитательной работе и молодежной политики Е.Р.Байконысов. Целью встречи было пропаганда и обсуждение книги "Эра Независимости" Н.А.Назарбаева. Участники заседания выступили с докладами о книге и был показан слайд. Окончание встречи завершилось обзором книжной выставки "Труды Главы государства".


Президенттің бес әлеуметтік бастамасы және қоғамдық сананы модернизациялау.


В научно-методическом центре "Елбасытану" состоялась онлайн-конференция с ЕНУ имени Л.Н.Гумилева на тему "Президенттің бес әлеуметтік бастамасы және қоғамдық сананы модернизациялау". В нем приняли участие зам.директора ОИЦ Н.В. Рыбалкина, зав.сектором ОИЦ Х.К. Шамбулова, заведующий кафедры "Ассамблея народов Казахстана" А.Е.Есеналиев и сотрудники кафедры С.Б.Аблаев, Т.Л.Құрманбаева, К.Қ.Утеева, Э.М.Турегелдиева, Н.Б.Баймаханов, Е.Ә.Әмірхан. Цель конференции - объяснить и обсудить пять социальных инициатив Президента. Участники конференции отметили, что пять новых социальных инициатив Главы государства направлены на дальнейшее улучшение благосостояния каждого казахстанца и важны для каждой казахcтанской семьи.

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New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution


Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" took place in the reading room " Елбасытану " Educational and Information Center. B. Zhumabaeva, head of the sector of the EIC, A. Iklasova, a librarian of the EIC and students of the Higher School of “Management and Business”, took part in it. The participants fully support the policy pursued by the President of the country and they are ready to make every effort to resolve them.

One Country - One Book


The discussion took place within the framework of the action "One Country - One Book" on the book of leading writer, poet S.Toraygyrov "Kamar Sulu" in the Reading Room No. 5 (8th building).

Z.Erezhepova head of the department, H.Shambulova head of the sector, N.Sauleshova, G.Usenkulova librarians of  EIC, N.Omarov head of the chair "Kazakh Language and Literature", students and teachers of the chair "Kazakh language and literature" and "Theater and variety art" took part in it.

Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov is one of the great young akyns who defended the rights of his people. His works have played a huge role in raising the national spirit. Students of the chair "Kazakh language and literature" Malik Nurbolat, Arystanova Zhansaya, Isabek Azimhan, Bayyrkul Balzhan, Suyinbek Akerke, Farabi Bakhytzhanuly, Syunov Kazybek discussed the work. Students of the chair "Theater and variety art" Syunov Kazybek, Asanbek Sultan, Orynkhan Erbol, Tolys Symbat showed an excerpt from the novel "Kamar Sulu". The book exhibition was organized on the theme «С.Торайғыровтың мұрасы». The most active students were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

«Мұхтар Әуезов - қазақтың ұлы жазушысы»


Reader's conference "Мұхтар Әуезов - қазақтың ұлы жазушысы " was held in the reading room №5 of  Educational – information centre to the 120 anniversary of  M. Auezov.  Z.Erezhepova head of the department, R.Tasbulatova head of the sector, N.Sauleshova, G.Usenkulova, K.Erkekarayeva, J.Yakipova librarians of  EIC, K.Turdybai is Ph.D., Associate Professor, teachers and students of the chair "Kazakh Language and Literature " and "Cultural-Leisure and Social Work " took part in it. M. Auezov was one of the read and recognized writers of Kazakh literature during his lifetime. Students got acquainted to the life and work of the writer through a slide show. Students Isabek Azimhan, Bazatkhan Yenlikhan, Abіl Farida, Мaлік Нurbolаt, Zakhidova Labor made a report, Seyitov Sundet, Siyinov Kazibek read poems about him. Students discussed the work and answer the quiz questions. A book exhibition on the theme "Ұлттық ұлағатты ұстанушы" was organized. The most active students were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

Mukhtar Auezov

