Мероприятия библиотеки

«Тәуелсіздік – азаттықтың алтын діңгегі»


A literary evening was held on December 4, 2015 in the reading room №4 (7 building) on the theme: "Тәуелсіздік - азаттықтың алтын діңгегі" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The evening was organized by EIC in jointly with G.Beysenbaeva a teacher of "Psychology and defectology". The purpose of the evening: upbringing patriotism, love to motherland, pride in the historical past, the present and the bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan. G.Malgaydarova a senior curator of faculty "Physical culture and sport", G.Lekerova head of chair "Psychology and defectology", G.Aytzhanova a practician - psychologist, teachers and students of the faculty took part in it. Students group 15-2k2 FC made a congratulatory concert, which sounded patriotic songs and kui on dombra. A book exhibition "Еліміздің еркіндігі-Тәуелсіздік" was organized and slide shown. The most active students were awarded with certificates.

1 декабря день первого Президента РК


27 ноября 2015 года в фойе актового зала университета ко дню Первого Президента научно - библиографическим отделом была организована книжная выстовка под названием "Елі сүйген Елбасы".


«Әдебиеттану ғылымына кіріспе»


The 3rd of November, 2015 Presentation of the book "Әдебиеттану ғылымына кіріспе" was held at the conference hall of the main building. The author of the book is the candidate of philological sciences, docent Akzhol Kalshabek.

      Mekemtas Myrzakhmetuly doctor of Philological sciences, Mombek Abdakimuly writer, B.Tleuberdiev dean of the faculty of Philology, B. Baykazah, S. Orazaliyev, N. Nurpeysov, T. Kaldybaev, K. Orazbaev docents of Philological sciences, A.Abdrahmanova representative of the publishing house "Foliant" and students of  the faculty took part in the presentation. The presentation was organized by the EIC in conjunction with the department "Kazakh language and literature".

Slide show and book exhibition about the work of the author was organized to the presentation.


«Қазақ тарихын зерделеген ұлы жазушы»


On 15th of October, 2015, a readers’ conference "Қазақ тарихын зерделеген ұлы жазушы" was held in the reading room №5 in the framework of action "One Country - One Book", dedicated to the work of the famous Kazakh writer, honored personality of Kazakhstan Iliyas Esenberlin "Nomads".  The aim of the conference was to discuss the famous trilogy "Nomads" by I. Esenberlin, which is devoted to the history of the Kazakh Khanate (XV-XIX century), to express  one’s opinions on events and historical personalities described in the novel. The Philology faculty students and teachers as well as librarians took a part in it. The book exhibition on the theme "Есенберлин мұрасы" was organized. The most active students were awarded diplomas.



      A literary-musical evening was held in the reading room № 5 the 5th of May "ҚАҺАРМАН ҰРПАҚҚА ТАҒЗЫМ!" Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The event was attended by students of FI-13-1K1 FI-13-1K2 FI-13-2R, IP-14-7k1 IP-14-6k2, MMG-12-9k. J. Erezhepova Head of the Department and B.Zhumabaeva Head of sector of the reading room, Omarov N Head of the department " Қазақ тілі ", Ahmet B Student’s Dean of Philology, Eszhan T Secretary of  " Жас Отан " were  organizers of the event.
Library staffs have prepared a thematic exhibition on the history of the Second World War in general and the Great Patriotic War.
The organizers are sure that such patriotic events are very important. Today, when trying to revise the results of World War II, to once again raise the shield of fascism, the political significance of the 70th anniversary of Victory takes on new meaning. We must make every effort to ensure that the younger generation and youth remained patriots of their country.

Mukhtar Auezov

