Мероприятия библиотеки

«Қазақ музыка өнерінің майталмандары»


      On 10th of April 2015 in the reading room №5 of the building 8 was held a literary - musical evening "Қазақ музыка өнерінің майталмандары" is dedicated to great Kazakh composer: 200th anniversary K.Tattimbeta, the 100th anniversary of E.Brusilovsky and the 90th anniversary of N. Tlendiev. Musical event organized jointly with the teacher of the chair "Musical Art" Tankeshevo F.S. Students are introduced to the life and works of composers. Students PaC 14-1k2 group performed songs N. Tlendiev " Аққу ", " Әлғисса ", " Әке туралы жыр ", " Құстар қайтып барады ", " Алатау " and arias of E.Brusilovsky " Қыз жібек ", " Гәкку." Smagүl Hamza performed a musical composition of K. Tattimbet " Сылқылдақ ", " Саржайлау." The participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the evening. The most active students were awarded diplomas. The event prepared a book exhibition " Қазақ өнерінің өшпес жұлдыздары."

«Оңтүстіктің мәдени мұралары»


      On 17th of April in the reading room №5 was held a round table on the topic: "Бабалар мұрасы – болашақтың баға жетпес рухани байлығы " dedicated to the International Day for Monuments and Sites. The roundtable was organized by the EIC in conjunction with the Chair of "History of Kazakhstan". It was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of PaC. Participants reviewed a number of topics relating to the protection of historical and cultural monuments and museums. Made a presentation teacher of the Chair of "History of Kazakhstan" A.Kabyl, undergraduate B.Rustemov. Lecturer in "Political Science and International Relations" E.Shabanov expressed gratitude to the organizers of the round table. The event prepared a book exhibition " Мәдени мұра – елге мирас ".

«Армысың, әз Наурыз!»


      On 19th of March, 2015 the Art - musical evening was held in the main reading room of the EIC with students of the high school of “Textile and food engineering”, which dedicated to the holiday Nauryz «Армысың, әз Наурыз!». The event was attended by the Deputy Dean of Student Nurmash Arman, students of the faculties LI, CT, LIR, IT, Associate Professor Ph.D. G.D. Kayranbekov, senior curator K.Isabaev, Methodist of EIC G. Mynbaeva, Head of sectors of EIC Shambulova H., Zhumabaeva B., U. Erdenova and staff of EIC . The staff of the faculty of social professions sang folk kuii. Dance group "Aruzhan" performed Kazakh national dances. Oteuli K. and G. Doskhan presented the audience Kazakh national rites «Бесікке салу», «Тұсау кесер». National games, poems about the holiday Nowruz were organized with the audience. videos, book exhibition «Армысың, әз Наурыз! » were shown there.

Послание Президента РК Н.А. Назарбаева народу Казахстана «Нұрлы жол – путь в будущее»


     4 февраля 2015 года, читальном зале №5 Образовательно-информационного центра состоялся круглый стол на тему «Нұрлы жол - болашаққа бастар жол», на котором были обсуждены основные приоритеты Послания Президента Республики Казахстан.В условиях назревающего мирового кризиса Глава государства решил действовать на опережение – озвучив приоритеты Новой экономической политики «Нұрлы жол». Цель круглого стола – широкая пропаганда и разъяснение значимости Послания. Круглый стол открыла заведующая библиотеки ООГС Ж.Ж. Ережепова. Выступили заведующий кафедрой «История Казахстана» С.О. Карибаев, который ознакомил педагогов и студентов с представленным Президентом Планом инфраструктурного развития, рассчитанного на 5 лет и куратор кафедры «Всеобщая история, археология и география» А.Ибраимова. С содержательными докладами выступили студенты факультета ПИК. Преподаватель вышеназванной кафедры Кабыл Алгабек и студенты ПИК подводя итоги в ходе обсуждения пришли к выводу, что народ нашей страны должен быть сплоченным и толерантным, должен крепить доверие между всеми казахстанцами, чтобы пройти глобальный экзамен на зрелость.


«Тағлымы мол тарихшы»


On the 24th of November a round table «Тағлымы мол тарихшы» was held in the electronic resource center of the main building, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Shamshi Abubakirova. Sholpan Abubakirova Shamshi Abubakirova’s daughter, director of the EIC M.Kukeeva, Head of the department "History of Kazakhstan" S. Karibaev, director of the department of educational work of youth policy R.Kamaldinov, teachers and students of department "Universal history, archeology and geography" G.Zhanysbekova , N. Tazhmuhanova attended it. Teachers and students made presentations. A book exhibition was organized on the theme «Тағлымы мол тарихшы»

Mukhtar Auezov

