Мероприятия библиотеки

"Нұр себеле–нұр наурыз"


В главном читальном зале Образовательного-информационного центра состоялся литературно-музыкальный вечер "Нұр себеле нұр наурыз"€, посвященный празднованию Наурыза. В нем приняли участие заведующие отделами ОИЦ Г.Мынбаева, А.Кулданбаева, Ж. Ережепова, заведующие секторами ОИЦ Б.Жумабаева, Х.Шамбулова, библиотекари ОИЦ А.Икласова, А.Арыстанова, Э.Кулумбетова, преподаватели и студенты университета. Участники вечера поздравили присутствующих с праздником весны и обновления, подчеркнули важность существования праздника Наурыз. В этот вечер прозвучали казахские песни и кюи, исполнялись казахские народные танцы. Самые активные студенты были награждены ценными призами.

"Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness"


Discussion of the Message of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" was held in the reading room №5of EIC. It was attended G.Otarbaeva Head of the department of "General History and museum", K. Rakhymzhan, G.Amanbek, G.Narymbet teachers, G. Tleukulov teacher of "History of Kazakhstan", Zh.Erezhepova head of the EIC, N.Sauleshova librarian and students. Participants in the discussion fully support the policy pursued by the President of the country and are ready to make every effort to solve them.

"Мақтанышым, Қасіретім –Желтоқсан"


December 12, 2016 a Literary Evening was held in the reading room №4 (7 building) «Мақтанышым, Қасіретім –Желтоқсан», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The evening is organized jointly with the G. Beisenbayeva, teacher of chair "Psychology and Defectology". The purpose of the evening: the upbringing feelings of patriotism, love of country, pride for the historical past, present, and bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan. It was attended A. Zholdasbekov, dean of faculty "Physical culture and Sport", G. Malgaydarov, senior curator of faculty "Physical culture and sport", employees of EIC and students of the faculty. Students of group PC – 13-3k1, PC-13-3k2 and PC-15-2k2 acted with congratulatory concert, which sounded patriotic songs.  Book exhibition «Желтоқсан — тәуелсіздік бастауы» prepared for the event and show slides. The most active students were awarded with diplomas.

«Тәуелсіздік – азаттықтың алтын діңгегі»


A Literary Evening was held in the reading room №5 (8 housing) «Тәуелсіздік – азаттықтың алтын діңгегі», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The evening is organized jointly with the F.Tankesheva teacher of "General pedagogy and music education." The purpose of the evening: the upbringing feelings of patriotism, love of country, pride for the historical past, present, and bright future of the peoples of Kazakhstan. It was attended by teachers of chair "General pedagogy and music education" N.Fattahova, S.Estemesova, S.Elgonova, G.Tlevlieva, employees of EIC and students of the faculty. Bakhtov F., B. Agabek, Abdimanap A. Jean H., G. Srail, Mazhitova A. Dүysenova Y Zhapparova S. Orynbekov A. Shyndauletova M., A. Shardarbekov students of group PAC – 16-1K acted with congratulatory concert, which sounded patriotic songs and kui on dombra.  Book exhibition «Еліміздің еркіндігі-Тәуелсіздік» prepared for the event and show slides. The most active students were awarded with diplomas.

«Елдік пен еркіндіктің жаршысы»


Round table on the theme:  «Елдік пен еркіндіктің жаршысы» was held within the action "One Country - One Book" in the reading room of  EIC, dedicated to the poet-thinker Dulat Babatayuly with students and teachers of the University. Dulat Babatayuly - one of the few great poets which lived and created at the beginning of the XIX century. The aim of the event: to introduce the creative heritage Dulat Babatayuly, glorifying the freedom of the people by studying the poets’ creation to educate sense of morality, love for the people at students. Students read the excerpts from the works Dulat Babatayuly. The participants have shared their impressions about creativity of Dulat Babatayuly. The book exhibition on the theme of: «Азаттық жырының ақтангері» was organized. The most active students were awarded diplomas and prizes.

Mukhtar Auezov

